- “中国的教学和科研水平太差,基本没有创新”
- “如果你想考公务员,那你不要上我的课,现在就应该退出,浪费时间”
- “知乎上有人评价,我们跟C9比,考公务员有劣势,有这种想法的人应该直接退学,再去高考,读个普通985”
About Common Sense
- 中国人极度缺乏常识
- 尤其是科学常识
- 朋友圈里,大公司的CEO、高管之类,也信量子、石墨烯,纳米科技之类,完全没有科学常识
Take Away
- Not to copy or to memorize, instead, think and digest, find the answer by yourself.
- Methodology is useful to your life, to find principles.
- "No innovation in the past decades in EECS", "20 publications, most of them are not innovative", innovation is not that easy.
- Curiosity about the nature and the future, about what you can do to change the future.
About PhD - 关于博士
- “95%的博士发的paper都是垃圾”
- “读博士之前要慎重”
- “欧美成功人士很少有读博士,为什么?It's a waste of time.”
- "too many universities, too many professors, too many PhDs"